I love birds and to take photos, most especially of our backyard friends.
My tools include a NIKON D3500 camera with a NIKKOR AF-P DX 70-300mm lens and an iPhone.
more with the gray catbird
#birds #birdsofinstagram #bird #catbird #photography #birding #backyardbirds
Aug 5

Not-so-friendly but beautiful neighborhood Red-shouldered Hawk on the hunt earlier today.
#birds #birding #birdsofprey #hawk #redshoulderedhawk #birdphotography #ouryardiswild #birdsofinstagram
Oct 10

Yesterday, Tamryn noticed this Broad-winged Hawk way out in the backyard so I quickly grabbed my camera to get a few shots … apologies for the jumpy video, the zoom was at max and I didn’t have my tripod. Of note: the Atlanta Hawks are also in town.
#birdphotography #birdsofinstagram #birding #photography #raptors #birdsofprey #backyardbirds #naturephotography
Apr 16

Eastern Bluebird, White-Breasted Nuthatch, and a Squirrel
#birds #birdsofinstagram #backyardbirds #photography
Apr 12

recent shots from the backyard: bathing Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal, Alonzo Mourning Dove, Tufted Titmouse in flight and later tossing a worm, Carolina Wren snacking
#birdphotography #birding #backyardbirds #birdsofinstagram #birdsinflight #bluejays #carolinawren #tuftedtitmouse #northerncardinal #mourningdove #photography
Dec 29

the eastern bluebirds are back checking out the house + hoop after the rain
#birdsofinstagram #birdphotography #birdwatching #bluebirds @wnba #wnba #photography #birding
Oct 26

Downy Woodpecker showing their spots off this afternoon
#birds #birdsofinstagram #birding #birdphotography #newenglandwildlife #woodpecker #downywoodpecker
Dec 10

Web Design + Technical Editing
I am a professional Web Designer with extensive experience designing, developing, and maintaining web sites. I have developed hundreds of web sites covering a wide spectrum of needs and requirements including responsive WordPress sites, online learning portals, enhanced landing pages, content management systems, e-commerce stores, and much more. Daily duties include overseeing WordPress web design projects, consulting current + prospective clients, and leading the maintenance team caring for those sites enrolled in a plan.
I designed my first web site on Geocities during my college years around 1996. In 2003 WordPress launched and my web design business evolved to using the Content Management System as a tool to design and develop websites. kaleidaweb design + care was created in 2021 to expand on services provided and to create a team of professionals, creatives and resources for clients.
I am also a Technical Editor for one of the largest computer textbook publishers, Cengage Learning, since 2001. Titles include operating systems, web design, networking, Office, and programming content. During edits, I work very closely with Authors, Development Editors, and Product Managers helping maintain a very high standard of quality in their content, typically performing multiple passes on a book to ensure a textbook, online exam, or lab is error-free and on point. The majority of the published titles I have worked on are listed in the Computing & Information Technology section at Cengage Learning.
My marriage of Web Design with Tech Editing work at Cengage Learning keeps me constantly learning and testing new technology, especially in the applications and software department. I have the fortunate opportunity to work on beta software, learning upcoming and current applications before they are released to the public and use all that knowledge in my projects.
Links of Interest
Work Experience
Founder @
2021 to present
Web design + care solutions. We offer full-circle, custom web design services for unique projects including robust WordPress CMS sites paired with e-commerce ventures for small businesses, non-profits, schools, and contractors of all kinds.
Web Design @
1998 to 2021
Professional Web design with years of experience and continued growth in the field. Created, maintained and hosted hundreds of custom websites as a independent developer.
Technical Editor @ Cengage Learning
2001 to present
Responsible for textbook quality by testing the manuscripts’ steps, follow along as both the instructor and student role with the appropriate software, analyzing the veracity and accuracy of the technical content on the first pass. Perform copy editing in addition to technical editing on second pass. Troubleshoot the cause of any errors, generate a detailed report for each chapter including individual corrections and solutions.